Second Grade Service Project

In the country of Cameroon, Africa, children are unable to attend school if they do not have a pen.

During this Lenten season, we are collecting pens to donate to children in Cameroon.

As the second graders discovered: "One pen can send one child to school. Five pens can send five children to school. One hundred pens can send ONE HUNDRED children to school!"

Pens can be any color and any brand, new or gently used. Please drop them off at Room 207 or 208 or hang onto them and we will collect from classrooms on a regular basis until our deadline of March 15th.

Get out the VOTE!

Help St. Cecilia Cathedral School become a Superstar Catholic School! We are in the running to win the 2018 Spirit Catholic Radio Superstar Catholic School Contest. The contest began Monday, January 29 and runs through Saturday, February 3rd at Spirit Catholic Radio. The top Catholic elementary and top Catholic high school in each community size category will win a trophy, $1,000 worth of promotion on Spirit Catholic Radio, prayer cards for all students, coffee for staff, and a LIVE interview  on the Spirit Morning show.  Get out the VOTE! Please click on the link below to choose St. Cecilia Cathedral School as a "Superstar Catholic School!"

Share with friends and family as every email address counts as one vote!