Principal Newsletter

St. Cecilia families!

Click here to see this week's Take Home Tuesday (THT)! A few reminders and upcoming items include:

- Quarter 1 Progress Reports went home today

- No School this Friday, September 22nd

- Cake Spin Donations (see attachment)

- Toys are allowed for show and tell only

Volleyball Volunteers: Chip away at the 15 required volunteer hours! We need volunteers to operate the concession stand, admission window, and scoreboard. Click here for dates/times to help out. Perks include smelling like delicious, buttery popcorn for 24 hours!

Spirit Wear Sale: Check out all the new and traditional items to purchase to represent our school! Click here to see what is available, and these shirts can be worn on Wednesdays (Spirit Day) with uniform bottoms! Last day to order is SEPT. 21st and will be sent home by October 5th.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who attended the Oktoberfest fundraiser on Friday, and to the four school and parish families (Christina & Colin Lyons, Danielle & Chris Lyons, Remy & Chris Kaslon, Erin & Ryan Hagedorn) who organized and hosted the evening's event! We are so grateful for all of the generosity and support of our St. Cecilia community!

Have a wonderful week, cardinals!

Mrs. Stoffel