Preparing For The School Year

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Lunch Program

Sed iaculis consequat efficitur. Fusce efficitur tortor quis odio laoreet, sit amet sagittis libero finibus. Nulla at ipsum mattis, vehicula orci eget, pretium odio. Morbi sodales, justo eget dignissim volutpat, neque ante tempor urna, nec maximus dui orci ornare risus. Donec non mauris tellus. Donec et sollicitudin quam, volutpat scelerisque sapien. Maecenas sed mauris accumsan, molestie tellus vitae, porta nulla. Fusce facilisis ipsum ut neque hendrerit placerat tristique a leo. Pellentesque non risus quis sem fermentum rhoncus id sed ex. Curabitur egestas, tortor vel gravida condimentum.


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Sign Up To Volunteer

Sed iaculis consequat efficitur. Fusce efficitur tortor quis odio laoreet, sit amet sagittis libero finibus. Nulla at ipsum mattis, vehicula orci eget, pretium odio. Morbi sodales, justo eget dignissim volutpat, neque ante tempor urna, nec maximus dui orci ornare risus. Donec non mauris tellus. Donec et sollicitudin quam, volutpat scelerisque sapien. Maecenas sed mauris accumsan, molestie


Extended Care

Extended Care is a before and after school program for K-8 students of St. Cecilia School. Breakfast and an afternoon snack are provided. Extended Care services, provided through the St. Cecilia Child Care, are available before school from 6:30 a.m. and after school until 6:00 p.m.

Care is also provided on no school days, winter and spring break, and during the summer.

For further information contact Betsy Herlacher or Denise Leibert, Child Care Directors, at 402-553-1708.

Child Care

Located adjacent to the grade school, St. Cecilia Child Care is licensed for children 6 weeks to 13 years. With close access to a fenced-in playground, sports field, the children have a wonderful opportunity for gross motor skills. 

We offer activities for social and cognitive development in our entire curriculum. Language, math, creative art, dramatic play, singing, pre-writing and other “learning through play” activities are taught by our qualified trained staff in a warm, safe, loving and child-friendly environment. 

Hours of operation are M-F, 6:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. We are closed for holidays and snow days.

A $50.00 registration fee and first week tuition is due when enrolling your child. There is a late charge for pick up after 6:00 p.m. which is $15.00 for the first five minutes and then $1.00 per minute after. That late fee must be paid that evening or the next morning.

For further information contact Betsy Herlacher or Denise Leibert, Child Care Directors, at 402-553-1708.

Parent Organizations Help Our School

Orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sodales odio quis sem laoreet, id aliquam erat molestie. Cras eleifend velit eu varius tincidunt. Maecenas hendrerit, nulla eu molestie feugiat, diam ipsum molestie quam, in accumsan mauris orci ut orci. Ut sed velit et nibh aliquet cursus. 

Participate in These Programs

1. Visit 2. Register for an online account or login.3. Under “Community” select “Community Rewards.”4. Select St. Cecilia Cathedral School as your designated organization.

1. Visit 

2. Register for an online account or login.

3. Under “Community” select “Community Rewards.”

4. Select St. Cecilia Cathedral School as your designated organization.

1. Collect receipts from Family Fare stores and turn them in. 2. The school will receive $1000 for every $150,000 in receipts we collect!

1. Collect receipts from Family Fare stores and turn them in. 

2. The school will receive $1000 for every $150,000 in receipts we collect!

1. Download the app on your phone. 2. Checkout the list of participating businesses who will donate 5% of each purchase you TAGG at checkout. 

1. Download the app on your phone. 

2. Checkout the list of participating businesses who will donate 5% of each purchase you TAGG at checkout.


1. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will     donate a portion of the purchase price to our pari…

1. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will     donate a portion of the purchase price to our parish.

2. Select Saint Cecilia Cathedral as your designated organization.


Attend School Dine Outs Throughout the Year 

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Collect The Following 

Boxtops for Education

Boxtops for Education

Our Family UPC codes

My Coke Reward points

My Coke Reward points

Hy-Vee receipts from Sept. - Dec. 

Hy-Vee receipts from Sept. - Dec.